The Strawberry Festival Committee is hosting the first Cape Safety Awareness Day at the Main Beach on Saturday, November 6th from 10 AM - 2 PM. This is a free event, and it sounds like they're going to have lots of really cool activities and exhibits. Check out the following link for details:
Just a few of the especially cool sounding activities:
- The children and adults will be amazed at the BGE exhibit which fries Hot Dogs on Live Wires.
- Anne Arundel Traffic Engineering will entice the children with an interactive pedestrian signal.
- Anne Arundel County Road Operations will provide the opportunity for an up close and personal interview with the Snow Plow Man and his Dump Truck.
- Anne Arundel County Police and The Sheriff’s Office will entertain the entire family with a K-9 Demo.
- Anne Arundel County Fire Department will provide the children the opportunity to learn about fire safety while exploring their gear, a fire truck and an ambulance.
- The Maryland State Police will offer tips on driver and pedestrian safety while allowing the children the opportunity to explore their vehicles.
Here's my all time favorite safety song (well, after the BGE "Do Not Touch" song that my kids sang ad nauseum). You can find the original 1982 Men Without Hats video, extended version (very weird!) at this YouTube link:
I kind of prefer this 2008 remake by some goobey college kids. Come on, sing it with me now, "Ssss-Aaaa-Ffff-Eeee-Tttt-Yyyy, SAFETY, DANCE..."

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