For those of you who would like to learn more about Farrah and her story, she has a website at and a blog at, in addition to a Facebook page and a Twitter account, chronicling all her exploits and progress toward her goal. It's clear from reading about her that she is a very special young woman and a terrific role model for our kids and our community as a whole. Take advantage of the opportunity this Friday to meet her in person and show your kids what a winning combination hard work, focus, and a passion for anything you love can be.
Are there any other Cape athletes headed to the 2012 London Olympics or with their eyes set on 2014, or 2016 even? If so, I would love to hear and blog about them. I don't know about you, but winning an Olympic Medal - heck, just participating in the Olympics - is up there on my top three list of fantasy experiences. It might even be number one (neck in neck with winning a Nobel Prize for Peace or Physics and flying on the Space Shuttle - all equally unlikely).
Attending the Olympics as a spectator is as close as I'll ever get to Olympic glory. We are actually contemplating a family trip to the 2012 Games in London. The kids will be the perfect age for the full on Griswolds' European Vacation experience, and they are as crazy about the Olympics as my husband and I are. If we do end up going, we will be front and center in our loudest red, white, and blue attire and voices cheering on Farrah and any other local sons and daughters with our best, "U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A", or perhaps instead, "C-S-C, C-S-C, C-S-C"...

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